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News & Events in 2010

IMAGINÁRIA E SUA ICONOGRAFIA (September) – Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil The Foundation is to Co-Sponsor with The Brazilian Ministry of Culture and the State of Paraiba State, an exhibition of the art of Newton Alves and Timoteo ”A Imaginaria e sua Iconografia”. The exhibition is to be held in Convento Sao Francisco, Joao Pessoa, the State Capital of Paraiba, from 17 to 29 September, 2010. The exhibition will include Master Classes in Iconography for students from the University of Paraiba and lectures and art classes for local school children.

VILLAGE FESTIVAL FOR RESTORATION WORK (August) – Archita, Transylvania, Romania The Asociatia Maria Nobrega’s restoration of the the von Sternburg House and park of the village of Archita was celebrated on August 7-8 in events hosted by the Mayor of the Vinatori Comune. This includes dances, food, fireworks, and folk exhibits.

INTERNATIONAL TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTE (May) – Florence, Italy The Institute was formally established with a vote of the Bagno A Rapoli Council followed by an address by Professor Francesco Bandarin (UNESCO – World Heritage Center in Paris). Dr Vandana Shiva (background) is the First Honorary President Emeritus of The Institute. She is pictured at right with Mr Pietro Laureano, founder of the Institute. Mrs Elizabeth Tsakiroglou was elected by the Executive Board as the First International President of the Institute.

CARDINAL ARCHBISOP OF SAO SALVADOR TO MEET WITH THE CHRM OF ODEBRECHT SA BRASIL (May) – Bahia Salvador, Brazil Following discussions between Elizabeth Nobrega de Araujo Tsakiroglou, Michael Carrington and Jose Lima, Communicacao of Odebrecht SA Brasil and the Curia of Salvador Bahia, The Cardinal Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Sao Salvador da Bahia, Geraldo Majella Agnello is to be received for luncheon by The Chairman of Odebrecht, Sr Emilio Odebrecht at the end of May. The purpose of this informal meeting is to discuss, inter alia, the restoration of the Cathedral Basilica of Sao Salvador da Bahia. Odebrecht are the largest construction company in Brazil, with worldwide interests, and have a long tradition of significant support to cultural heritage. The President of Fundaco Maria Nobrega has been invited to attend.

CATHEDRAL WORK IN PROGRESS (May) – Bahia Salvador, Brazil A workshop for European university students will be held in Bran, Romania. Discussion will focus on ways in which cultural heritage can be revitalized.

TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE WORKSHOP (May) – Bran, Romania A workshop for European university students was held in Bran, Romania. Discussion focused on ways in which cultural heritage can be revitalized.

MINISTER OF CULTURE – BRAZIL (April) Elizabeth Tsakiroglou meets with Sr. Juca Ferreira, Minister of Culure in Bahia Salvador.

UNITED NATIONS DESA ACCREDITATION (April) The Foundation received fully accreditation as a member of the United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

AGREEMENT IN TRANSYLVANIA (March) – Sighisoara, Romania The Asociatia Maria Nobrega [Romania] is pleased to announce the signature of a 25-year Concession Agreement with The Lutheran Consistoriu of Sighisoara/Schässburg and Diocese of Sibiu/Hermannstadt to restore the Martin Kelp von Sternberg House in Archita, Mures County, Transylvania.

Father von Sternberg was the parish priest of Archita from 1722 until his death in 1770. He was responsible for re-building the church after the fire of 1747 and was greatly revered in the 700-year-old village. The von Sternberg House occupies a central position adjoining the fortified church and the village green in Archita, and has suffered much decay over many years. It is the aim of the Associata to restore the building to its original design and to re-establish its presence as the central focus of village life.

NEW TRUSTEES APPOINTED (March) – London The Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of 3 new Trustees, with effect from the 1st March 2010: Mrs Sue Douglas is a former Editor of the Sunday Express and a Director of Conde Nast Vogue magazine. Mr Iain Renwick is a former CEO Liberty plc and Chairman Liberty Japan. He is also a Director of HRH The Prince of Wales commercial enterprise, Traditional Arts Ltd. Mr Costas Sakellarios is Chairman and CEO Pisani Group. The Board of Trustees consider that these new appointments will bring fresh vision, experience and impetus to the work of the Foundation worldwide.

FIRST HONORARY PRESIDENT EMERITUS Dr Vandana Shiva is to become the First Honorary President Emeritus of The Institute.

ROMANIA-ITALY COLLABORATION (February) – Florence Alex Carlsson, Project Director of the Nobrega Asociatia (Romania), met in Florence with Mr. Pietro Laureano to discuss possible ‘traditional knowledge’ information sharing between experts in Romania such as Prof. Ion Ghinoiu, President of the Center for Traditional Research, and the TKI.


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