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Our mission is to promote and safeguard cultural heritage, through restoration and sustainable regeneration, education, employment, protection of the environment and the development of traditional art forms.

The Maria Nobrega Foundation was established as a Charitable Trust with the Charity Commission in 2003. It is privately funded. It works internationally on a range of projects, which encompass the aim of promoting architectural heritage restoration, sustainable regeneration and the preservation of cultural heritage.


The Foundation acts as a catalyst to assist Governments, International Government Agencies, Non-Governmental Organisations and local communities, to plan and implement these projects.


The Foundation is a Founding Member of The International Traditional Knowledge Institute (ITKI)

and The Traditional Knowledge World Bank (TKWB).


  1. The development of the International Traditional Knowledge Institute (ITKI)

  2. The development of the Traditional Knowledge World Bank (TKWB)

  3. The development of Heritage TV

  4. The restoration of the 14th century fulling mill Le Gualchiere di Remole, Florence

  5. The completion of the Archita Medical Clinic, Transylvania

  6. The continuing restoration of the Saxon Village Houses in Archita, Transylvania

  7. The development of a new National Park for the Midlands, UK

The Maria Nobrega Foundation is currently working on seven major long term projects and partnerships:​

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