ITKI’s mission is to create an international network to study, promote and protect traditional knowledge.
Harnessing the ITKI innovation and knowledge to improve ecological integrity, social cohesion and economic wellbeing.
ITKI has a legal statute as a not for profit public/private association registered in Florence Italy.
The central head office is in Florence, with Pietro Laureano as President.
In every country it is possible to create ITKI 'chapters', the International President coordinates the activity of the chapters. As of June 2020 ITKI has formed chapters in United States of America, Austria and Romania.
Chapters have autonomy of creating their no profit juridical statute more consonant with the local situation. They can perform activities in complete autonomy in the limits of the general ethical principles.
Chapters can create a website utilizing the ITKI logo plus the extension of the country ( ITKI…..) In the website must be indicated that this is a chapter of International ITKI and the central ITKI with
the relatives name of the International President and the President. Chapters can act in autonomy in their country and in others. The activities performed with international organisms and in other countries must be shared with the International President and the President.
Each chapter is an independent body and responsible for finding the funds for their own activities. Depending on the local situation, the centre can work to make several connections with UNESCO. To become a UNESCO center of category 2, to promote locally the UNESCO inscriptions, to promote the UNESCO professorships, etc.
All of this is left in complete autonomy to the decision and to the possibilities of every situation.
About the ITKI governance please see the Governing Documents: Chapter Agreement, Constitution, Statute.