Archita / Arkeden, Transylvania

There are currently no medical facilities in Archita village, which has a population of some 650 people. Archita is a remote village, 25 kms from the nearest hospital, 10 kms of which are over unmade roads and very few people possess cars.
A clinic existed during the Communist regime but was gradually allowed to be de-staffed and its facilities to deteriorate. The village’s 650 people are currently served by a doctor’s weekly visit who uses one room with one chair and one damaged bed. The building has no running water, working toilets, antiseptic equipment, or useful furniture. The nearest hospital is 25 km away in Sighisoara.
The Archita Clinic will be a unique development in Romania as it is the first time that public and private organisations have joined together to establish a rural medical facility. The Archita Clinic is a joint venture between Mures County Council, The Maria Nobrega Charitable Trust, Targu Mures Teaching Hospital, Lukas Hospital for Alzheimer patients in Laslea, and the support of Lions Clubs International (Romania). It has the support of outstanding medical professionals in Professor Doctor Radu Deac and Doctor Horatiu Suciu, both leading Romanian heart transplant surgeons and Doctor Petru Oprean, the Founder of Lukas Hospital and a specialist in the care of Alzheimer disease.
The aim of the Archita Clinic is to provide a range of medical services including, first aid emergency care, family medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, ophthalmology, paediatrics, preventive medicine and pharmacy facilities.
The clinic will provide medical services to some 650 Archita village residents and to at least 4 outlying villages with a total population of some 4000. Lions International will provide mobile ophthalmology and preventive medicine facilities on a weekly roster basis to a further 7 villages with a total population of 7400 people.
The clinic is to be staffed by 2 resident nurses and 2 doctors on rotation, providing 24 hours cover 7 days per week.
The service will be at no cost to patients.

Building in process at Archita Clinic

Restoration Project by Maria Nobrega Foundation

Front of Archita Clinic whilst building in progress

Clinic Rooms

Building in process at Archita Clinic

Clinic Rooms